PADI Specialty Instructor
Dive more, have more fun and teach about your favorite subjects as a PADI Specialty Instructor.
Specialty instructor courses provide valuable teaching tips for meeting the requirements of the course.
You can choose from around 30 standard specialty courses that PADI offers along with distinctive specialty courses your Course Director may offer. Having five PADI specialty instructor ratings is a prerequisite for the PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer (MSDT) rating.
Don’t see a specialty on a subject that interests you? Write your own specialty! It’s easy and it gets you teaching scuba divers about things you like.
The Fun Part of being a PADI Specialty Instructor
Whether it’s PADI Deep Diver, PADI Digital Underwater Photographer, PADI Enriched Air Nitrox or one of your own, as a PADI Specialty Instructor you will be out there scuba diving and training. Join the fun.
- As a PADI Specialty Instructor, challenge your students to become PADI Master Scuba Divers
- Increase your marketability as a PADI Professional
What You Learn
You’re on your way to becoming a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer with only five PADI Specialty Instructor ratings
You have three ways to become a PADI Specialty Instructor:
- With a PADI Course Director
- 10 experience dives in each particular specialty
- Minimum number of certification not required
- Much cheaper application fee
- Immediate teaching status upon application
- Use your experience to apply directly to PADI
- 20 experience dives in each particular specialty
- Have certified at least 25 divers before applying
- Write your own outline
PADI Specialty Instructor Training course attendance is highly recommended. These courses provide valuable hands-on training, technique demonstrations, course marketing information, current PADI Standards information and, when applicable, instructor-level open water training. They will also give you a cutting edge on the competitive scuba instructor market.
What You Can Teach
Teach the PADI Specialties you like most!
The Scuba Gear You Use
You will need to equip yourself with all the basic scuba gear, some scuba accessories and depending on which specialties you teach, you’ll need other specialty diving gear such as dive lights or underwater photography equipment.
Learning Materials You Need
PADI’s Specialty Instructor Manual includes the specialty instructor guides for all of PADI’s standardized specialties. The outlines are also available digitally on the Specialty Instructor Manual CD-ROM, which is part of your IDC Crew pack. Once registered, the digital specialty manual can be updated for a discounted price.
PADI Specialty Instructor Training Prices
All PADI Instructor Specialty courses are 6,000.-PHP except the Enriched Air Nitrox and Digital Underwater Photography Specialty Instructor ratings, they are 9,000.-PHP per course.
The PADI application fees at 116,-AUD per specialty (method one, training by a PADI Course Director) are not included.
For some Instructor Specialties, additional costs will occur:
- Digital Underwater Photography (DUP) – Camera rental is not included
- Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV) – DPV rental is not included
- Underwater Naturalist – Fish ID slates are required
- Underwater Navigation – A compass is required
- Night Dive – One main and one back up torch/dive light are required (rental is possible)
- Search & Recovery – A compass, a liftbag, a Nav finder, a dive light and underwater gloves are required
- Underwater Videography – Camera rental is not included
You must be a:
Renewed PADI Assistant Instructor or have completed a PADI IDC or PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor program within the past 12 month.